Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel
Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel

Oct 6, 2023 - Terror attack Israel

I'm heartbroken.

The past three days have been a total shock. On Saturday morning the terrorist organization Hamas invaded peaceful towns in my birth country Israel and massacred (not killed, not murdered. MASSACRED!) infants, children, moms, dads, grandparents.They then continued their atrocities by spraying machine gun bullets onto thousands of 20 year-old party goers as they were running in fields for their lives.Terrorists entered homes and massacred parents, then taking their infant children hostage back to Gaza.

That was not a declaration of war. It was a senseless, evil, unimaginable massacre! Stepping over the blood of innocent families, they looted their homes and happily transported their possessions [and their children] to Gaza, where they were greeted as heroes with songs and candy.OVER 1,000 innocent lives were massacred! and the fighting is not over yet.Hundreds of children, families and Israeli soldiers (all 18-25 years old) are now held hostage in Gaza. There are rumors of rape.

Hamas took Israel by surprise, no doubt. This terrorist organization that bombarded the media and social networks for decades with victim-like messages about "the Israeli occupation" has revealed its true face. It's an ugly, evil face. For years it received BILLIONS of $$$ for the people of Gaza. Billions of $$$ were handed over to these vicious devils so they could build a thriving economy and bring peace to their people. Instead, they chose to use the money to arm themselves, build rocket and ammunition manufacturing factories so one day, TODAY, they could use this power against innocents.My birth country is at war, but the Israeli people are strong and resilient.

The Israeli army is the people's army. We will defend our homes and our families and we WILL hunt down the vicious terrorists wishing us dead. We will bury our dead and mourn them, and then we will rebuild.

Make no mistake - Hamas will be defeated. Israel will prevail. Israelis in Israel and abroad are united, and it has the support of the sane, peace wishing international community.

My heart bleeds for the innocent Palestinians in Gaza who want only a good life for their families. They were betrayed, too, by the people they put their trust in. They live under a terrorist regime that doesn't care for them.

Thank you to all who sent me and my friends their prayers, wishes and support. You are true friends. Please continue to support peace and stability in this region.

May god bless us all.
