Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?
Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?

Does your company have a compelling digital footpring?


Hey CEOs, let's have a heart-to-heart on something that's probably nagging at you, but not getting enough of your love – your startup's digital footprint. Yep, I'm talking about all the marks we leave online, from our social media profiles to how we engage with our customers in the comments section. It's a beast, I know, but let's break it down, shall we?

First off, remember how we used to think setting up a Facebook page was enough? Well, not anymore. Your digital footprint is like your startup's pulse to the outside world. If it's strong and steady, people take notice. If it's weak or erratic, well, you get the picture.

LinkedIn: Your B2B Battlefield

First, let’s tackle LinkedIn. It’s your goldmine. Not just for networking but for sharing your wins, learnings, and industry insights. Ever see how Adobe leverages LinkedIn? They share thought leadership content that resonates with other businesses, showing their expertise in creative solutions. Do the same. Share case studies, customer success stories, and how your solution solves real-world business problems.

Personal Voices: The Heart of Your Brand

First up, personal stories. People connect with people, not logos. Encourage your team members, from executives to interns, to share their own stories related to your business. Whether it’s a challenging project they’ve tackled, a professional milestone, or how your company’s culture supports their growth and well-being. Adobe, for instance, showcases their employees' experiences and creative journeys, which adds a personal touch that audiences love.

Employees as Brand Trumpets

Think of your employees as your brand’s trumpets, each with their own networks and circles of influence. Equip them with the highlights and successes of your business to share on their personal LinkedIn profiles. This could be anything from celebrating a product launch, sharing a customer success story, or even insights from a recent industry conference. When IBM employees share their personal achievements or milestones related to IBM’s projects, it not only amplifies IBM’s achievements but also humanizes the brand.

Engaging Content That Invites Conversation

Create content that’s not just informative but engaging. Ask questions, seek opinions, and encourage your followers to engage in a conversation. This could be through polls, “Ask Me Anything” sessions with your experts, or discussion threads on hot industry topics. Engagement breeds visibility on LinkedIn, and when your employees participate in these conversations, it extends your reach even further.

Showcase Your Culture

Use LinkedIn to showcase your company culture. Happy employees are your best advocates. Post about your team-building activities, highlight employee achievements, and share stories that reflect your company’s values and mission. When Salesforce shares about their Ohana Culture, it not only attracts potential clients but also future employees.

LinkedIn Groups and Beyond

Don’t forget about LinkedIn Groups. Encourage your team to join and actively participate in relevant industry groups. It’s a great way to stay on top of trends, contribute to discussions, and subtly position your company as a thought leader. Plus, it’s an excellent way to network with potential B2B clients in a more informal setting.

Amplifying Through LinkedIn Articles

Encourage your team to write LinkedIn articles. Whether it’s insights from your CEO on leadership in challenging times, a technical deep-dive by your CTO, or a customer success story penned by your sales team, these articles can significantly boost your company’s profile. They showcase your expertise and get shared across networks, multiplying your reach.

Webinars: The New Conference Room

Next up, webinars. They’re the new conference room. Host webinars on topics that matter to your audience. Invite industry experts, or even better, your own customers, to talk about how your solution has transformed their business. Salesforce nails this by hosting webinars that tackle common business challenges, demonstrating their platform's value in real-time.

Content Marketing: Not Just Any Content

For content, it’s quality over quantity. Your blog is a powerful tool if used right. Don’t just talk about yourself. Offer actionable insights, industry trends, how-to guides, and research that helps your clients make better decisions. HubSpot is a master at this. Their blog is packed with resources that help businesses grow, showcasing their expertise in inbound marketing.

SEO: The Unsung Hero of B2B

SEO is your unsung hero. For B2B, it’s all about those niche keywords that your ideal clients are searching for. Invest in a solid SEO strategy to ensure your content gets in front of the right eyes. Tools like SEMrush offer fantastic insights into what your audience is looking for and how to optimize your content to rank higher.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Your Best Advocates

Let's not forget about the power of customer testimonials and case studies. In the B2B world, trust is everything. Having a page on your website dedicated to customer success stories can make a significant impact. Ask your happiest clients if they’d be willing to share their experiences. Turn these stories into blog posts, videos, or even feature them in your newsletters. G2 and TrustRadius thrive on this model by providing platforms for B2B software reviews, showing how vital real user feedback is.

Social Proof and Industry Engagement

Lastly, engage with your industry. Comment on articles, share your thoughts on industry trends on LinkedIn, and be part of the conversation. This builds your reputation as a thought leader and go-to expert in your field.

Creating a compelling digital footprint is all about humanizing your brand and using the collective voices of your employees. It’s their personal stories, achievements, and insights that will resonate most with your audience. By encouraging your team to share, engage, and participate, you’re not just building a stronger digital footprint; you’re crafting a dynamic, engaging narrative that showcases the heart and soul of your all about humanizing your brand and using the collective voices of your employees. It’s their personal stories, achievements, and insights that will resonate most with your audience. By encouraging your team to share, engage, and participate, you’re not just building a stronger digital footprint; you’re crafting a dynamic, engaging narrative that showcases the heart and soul of your business.